Best Practice - Cotton Bags

Project Cotton Bags
Reduction of contamination level and improve the quality of Organic cotton

Addressed issue
Providing full support to small farmers using environmentally friendly cultivation methods to improve quality of organic cotton.

Project budget
Minimum 1.000 bags x EUR 6 per bag = EUR 6.000
In total: 4 bags per farmer x EUR 6 per bag x 3.600 farmers = EUR 76.800

Project location
India, remote tribal villages in Adilabad

Project benefits
Environment - Farmer - Producer - Consumer

Project status / duration
open - you want to get involved?

Project details
The harvested cotton is protected from impurities such as stones, dust or insects. The farmer gets a higher price for his crop. The high quality of the raw cotton guarantees smooth processing during all stages of production and results in longlife textile products oft he highest quality.
A real added value for all participants in the long textile supply chain.